
University Advisory Council has as its primary goal the facilitation of intra-campus communication, with a particular focus on review and approval of policies and general discussion of institutional issues, opportunities, and challenges.

Meeting monthly, each agenda will include

  • Items for action (e.g., policies);
  • Issues of institution-wide emphasis/concern;
  • updates from all attending; and
  • updates from all standing committees

Members of Core Leadership Team, Academic Council, and Chancellor's Council other than the Executive Committee are ex officio members and can attend at any time.

Membership includes (38 total, including Chancellor's Executive Assistant):
Chancellor Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs/Provost Vice Chancellor of Student Success
Controller Director, Admissions and Student Records Dean of Learning Excellence and Sponsored Programs 
Dean, College of Arts, Sciences & Education Dean, College of Technical Sciences Dean of College of Health Sciences
Chief Information Officer Director of Human Resources Assistant Registrar and Veteran Certification
President, Academic Senate President, Student Senate Union representative, Faculty
Union representative, Staff Director of Communications and Marketing Chief Diversity Officer/Tribal Liaison
Faculty Chair, Arts, Sciences & Education Faculty Chair, College of Technical Sciences Director of Athletics
Director of Financial Aid Director of Facilities Services Director of Library
Director of Recruiting Director, Career Services MSU-N Foundation Representative
Assistant Dean of Students for Retail and Finance Assistant Dean of Students for Wellness and Leadership Assistant Dean of Students/Director Residence Life
Faculty at large (2) Staff at large (2)  
Executive Assistant to the Chancellor: responsible for minutes, follow-up on assigned tasks

