Mission Statement:

The Instruction and Learning Program mission is firmly grounded in a vision of commitment to learning environments in which all learners have access to educational opportunities, choices, and experiences that enable them to achieve at the peak of their potential. The professional education programs are designed for delivery through innovative and efficacious systems that provide professional development and excellent educational experiences to diverse populations in a geographically and economically challenged region. To this end, we provide a variety of rich, intentional, and meaningful experiences designed to support candidates' development of appropriate dispositions, graduate candidates prepare to impact students' lives and learning and to take leadership roles in classrooms, schools, and beyond. 

Program Responsibilities:

The Instruction and Learning Program believes it has responsibilities to current graduate candidates and to their future clients. Additionally, the faculty believes it has a responsibility to collaborate with the communities withing which it works, to continue to grow as a program, and to model professional involvement and identity. 

Program Objectives

  • The program will prepare and graduate candidates capable of identifying and analyzing contemporary issues in education and examine their effect on instructional practice in a culturally responsible learning environment.
  • The program will prepare and graduate candidates capable of conducting classroom action research using quantitative and qualitative methods in your classroom, school district and community to improve instruction and learning.
  • The program can document the effects of instruction of students using assessment and evaluation methodologies that accurately reflect student performance. 
  • The program will prepare and graduate candidates that demonstrate critical thinking, creative thinking, reflective thinking and self-regulation in professional learning environments.
  • The program will prepare graduate candidates that demonstrate and promote the integration of technology in professional learning environments.
  • The program will prepare graduate candidates who have increased awareness and intervention skills in mental health, suicide awareness, and collaborative problem-solving change processes.

Program Learning Outcomes for Instruction and Learning, MS in Education

  • The graduate candidate will identify and analyze contemporary issues in education.
  • The graduate candidate will be able to examine their effect on instructional practice in culturally responsive environments.
  • The graduate candidate will develop appropriate assessment methodology for use in their research proposal. 
  • The graduate candidate will demonstrate critical, creative and reflective thinking processes throughout the program.
  • The graduate candidate will  demonstrate the use of learning theories and self-regulation in their instructional practice.
  • The graduate candidate will demonstrate the integration of technology in course work and program exit requirements.
  • The graduate candidate will demonstrate awareness and intervention skills in mental health, suicide awareness, and collaborative problem-solving change processes.

Degree Offered

Program Degree Offered Program Description
Instruction and Learning MSEd Instruction and Learning Academic Map

Admission Application Instructions:

First Step:

              - An MSU-Northern application is needed regardless of new admission and/or re-admission

              - Costs: $30 for new application fee/$0 for re-application fee

              - Transcripts must be sent from ANY institution you have attended in which you have taken classes

Second Step:

  • Once admitted to MSU-Northern, call the Program Associate for Graduate Studies, at 406.265.3735 with this information:

              - Mailing Address, Phone Number, and Email Address

              - 3 Letters of Recommendation

              - Letter of Intent (limit 1 page)

              - Resume 

              - Class Registration Form

Admission Deadlines:

  • Fall Semester: Last Monday of July to contact the Graduate Education Program to seek admission to the program.
  • Spring Semester: Last Monday of December to contact the Graduate Education Program to seek admission to the program.


About Us:

Curtis Smeby
Professor of Instruction and Learning
smeby@msun.edu | 406.265.3517