Section 400: Academic Affairs

Effective: January 2019
Revised:  March 2021; August 2023
Last Review: August 2023
Next Review: August 2025
Responsible Party: Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs/Provost

A hold may be placed on a student’s record for admissions, academics, graduation, business, financial-aid, disciplinary or immunization reasons. A hold may prevent a student from registering for courses. If a hold is placed on a student record, when the student enters her/his user ID and password into MyInfo, the student will see a description of the hold and contact information, so that the student can remedy the situation. Holds on student accounts can restrict access to grades, transcripts, diplomas and registration.


The Holds Oversight Committee has been created to review requests to lift holds that have been implemented by one of the following offices:

  • Registrar – Registrar's Office
  • Student Accounts Manager – Business Services
  • Admissions Evaluator – Admissions Office

 A request to lift holds is to be submitted via email to one of these two offices:

This request must include the student's name, the hold being requested for review and reason the student should have the hold removed. Supply documents if appropriate. Holds that belong to other MUS campuses cannot be altered by an MSU-Northern employee. The student with the hold needs to contact the campus with the hold to get it resolved.


A request to lift a hold will be properly vetted by a committee that represents all aspects of that decision.

  • Student Accounts Manager (Chair)
  • Registrar
  • Financial Aid Director
  • SSS Director
  • Student Health Counselor

The committee will make a determination and respond to the request within one business day. If a decision is made not to lift the hold, an appeal may be made to the Provost.

A final appeal may be made to the Chancellor.

The following criteria will be considered when making a determination on a hold:

  • Students Financial Aid Package
  • Students GPA
  • Students Payment History
  • Students plan for paying past-due balance
  • Academic progress towards a degree
  • University, State and Federal guide lines will be reviewed
  • Any additional documentation as supplied