Section 400: Academic Affairs

Effective: May 15, 1980
Revised:  March 2017
Last Review:
Next Review:
Responsible Party: Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs


Montana State University—Northern shall employ the following procedures with respect to the numbering of courses.

000-099 Below college level work. Credit will not be allowed toward a degree and will transfer to another institution at the discretion of the other institution.

100-299 Lower Division (Freshman and Sophomore) courses.

300-499 Upper Division (Junior and Senior) courses.

500-599 Graduate Level Courses

191,291,391,491,591 Special Topics courses. A class organized and meeting on a regular basis for the study of some special topic of interest which is not available in the regular curriculum.

192,292,392,492,592 Independent Studies. Courses generally reserved for a major within a department and a specific study plan must be developed and approved before students may be registered in the course.

298 & 498 Cooperative Education Work Experience. Provides on-the-job learning experience in business, industrial and public or private agencies related to the student's major program of study. These on-the-job experiences must be supervised by qualified business, industrial or agency personnel and university staff.

1391 & 1591 Continuing education courses, at the undergraduate and graduate levels.